Need Help? FAQs

Heyy girrl!

I’m always an email away:

But first, the answer you seek may already be on the blog.

I am just a girl trying to be an expert on her own hair. On this blog I document my hair journey- the ups and downs- I try to chronicle everything I’m learning along the way.

I try my best to carefully label the posts with appropriate tags and categories, so it’d be helpful if you searched according to labels.

Anyway, here’s most of it, for your convenience and easy reading pleasure. 🙂

I’m thinking about going natural, or I just went natural. What is this really about?

The ‘Going Back to Natural’ series was written specially for you. It is dedicated to everyone that’s curious about natural hair, or transitioning, or is a newbie natural. See it here.

Day 1: What is Hair and How do Relaxers Work?

Day 2: Going Back To Natural: Free Your Mind

Day 3: Destination Natural: How Do I Get There?

Day 4: The ABCs of Creating Your Hair Regimen

Day 5: P for Products

> Finale: Going Back to Natural, Let’s Go!

What is my hair type?

This here may be able to help you identify your hair type. Hair typing is only one way of understanding your hair. It may also be helpful for you to know your porosity, strand texture and appreciate your density.

I believe that to know how to get the best out of your hair, you have to understand what it is. For a little hair science broken down very simply (I’m an Arts girl, not a scientist), visit the Hair Basics series. Make yourself comfortable in Understanding Hair 101 😉


Show some love to your hair by treating it right. Create a regimen, and try to be consistent!

Building a regimen is really a very simple thing: The ABCs of Creating Your Hair Regimen

But sometimes, I like to switch things up, and try new things, usually on Washday.

What can I use to make my hair soft?

Not what you can use, but what you can DO. From my experience, consistent deep conditioning is the way to go.

How can I grow my hair?

Our hair grows. Some people at faster rates than others, but it does. Be good to your hair and it’ll be good to you. I’m a little wary of things that promise growth, but from my experience, Castor Oil does encourage hair growth.

With kinky hair, growing isn’t as difficult as retaining length. You could see my great big plan for length retention here.


My hair is SO impossible to comb! Help!

Combing natural hair is not a battle, it’s just different. Here’s How To Comb A TWA. In this post, I also made a video. A little shabby, I apologise, but you’ll get the message. 🙂

My thoughts on, and my approach to combing have changed over the course of my journey. For more about combing, go through the Combing category.

How can I style my natural hair?

As it turns out, I make great efforts towards hair care & hair health but I’m really lazy about styling. 😦 For the times I’ve tried, you may be inspired 🙂

Protective styling inspo anyone?

How can I care for my hair when it’s in a protective style (With extensions)? 

Read this.

What to do when your braids get stinky? Wash them! Find out how, here.


-Mudwash! [Bentonite Clay Wash] <- my fave!

-Havana twists

-How To Make Coconut Milk & Coconut oil

-Hot Oil Treatment & other homemade Deep Conditioning Recipes


– Product Reviews

– Salon Reviews


I’m a Nigerian natural, happily thriving in Nigeria.

If you’re looking for Natural Hair friendly products and salons in Nigeria, please visit the Where to Find directory. The directory is a growing list of businesses serving the natural community, and even if a certain vendor is not in your city, still talk to them. They may be able to accommodate your requests and work out a custom solution.

Page 1: Where To Find Natural Hair Products in Nigeria

Page 2: Where To Find Natural Hair Salons in Nigeria

If you’re a Natural hair salon or stylist, or you sell Natural hair products, just leave a comment or email with your product and contact information, and you’ll be listed for free!

If you know of any salon or store that isn’t on the list, leave a comment and I’ll get on it asap.

And for posts on events and giveaways and other fun stuff specific to being natural in Nigeria, click on the Naturals in Nigeria category xx


Who says black hair cannot grow? My hair isn’t long yet, but many many naturals have achieved long hair by no magic at all, simply by taking good care of it.

Our hair grows. Our naturally curly texture is also the most versatile on the planet. And our Friday Hairspiration featured naturals are there to prove it. Visit Hairspiration here, to be inspired and enlightened by the different lengths, styles and textures from beautiful people of both genders.

To be featured on Friday Hairspiration, please email: We’d be more than happy to have you!! 🙂


This blog is about my hair journey and everything I’m learning along the way but for really specific posts or important discoveries or observations, length checks and stuff, go see the My Hair Journey category.

I’m usually Ms. Sunny Sides Up, but occasionally, I whine. For your pleasure, Hair Blues.

For my personal faves, you can search the AB Loves Tag.

Hair, Hair, Hair! Is That All?

Hair isn’t the only thing I’m about, but this is a hair blog after all.

Occasionally, I post non-hair related musings, and a little dip into my life stream. You could see this here under Life & Living.

Also, I like to eat. Sometimes, I do Restaurant Reviews. And there was that one time I shared a recipe. That and future recipes can be found under Amateur Chef. 

Want More The Kink and I?

Like the Facebook page (The Kink and I)

Instagram: thekinkandi

And on Twitter, I warble about a million things, but yes hair is one of them. @kene_co

Anything else you’d want to know or you want to see? Just leave a comment- or email me 


6 thoughts on “Need Help? FAQs

  1. Pingback: For An Optimist, I Can Be Pretty Pessimistic | The Kink And I

  2. Hi AB, pls I need help. My frontline/fronthair has finished receeding nd dun knw hw to grow it back….jus finished transitioning and even Wt my natural growth, de hair z til receeding + my hair sheds a whole lot. What do I do?
    Can u help wt protecting mtds for hair under weavons? Thanks.


  3. I’ve just gone through the big chop my chemical romance over the years has been very one sided and now …

    Im here staring at my 4c TWA with nary a clue what to do,what to use,how to style.
    I cowash it soft then and hour later its dry and i dont like the feel.

    I know zilch about hair and less about natural and that relaxer is just soooo damn tempting but i want to be natural and more so i wanna LOVE To Be Natural
    Thank you


  4. thanks for this, my hair keeps breaking, what do i do to stop this? and also edge control and gel doesn’t work when i try to make my edges look sleek, what can i use pls?


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