Hey Monday!

Hello Monday! Hello guys!

How pumped are you to face the new week? I hope you’re ready to get it, whatever IT may be! 🙂

I’m excited. Probably because I woke up on the right side of the bed. Or because I’m looking forward to being in Port Harcourt this weekend with my girls girls. Or. Is it because I had a really good weekend? I’m in such high spirits and I wonder if sharing this with you is going to be contagious or just annoying lol. MeeMee has been in Nola since Thursday and I’m also super excited about this trip. New Orleans is waaayyyy up on my travel wishlist, so the fact that she is there, it’s like I am there in spirit. ^_^


On Saturday morning, I was at the Breakfast Roundtable for Young Professionals and it was so good. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I had heard about it on the radio, seen it on Twitter, been referred to it by a colleague so I thought what the hey, just register. I may share some thinking points from it during the week. Big thanks thanks to everyone who made it happen!

Speaking of putting things together, we are working towards Naturals in The City 12. Please save the date: September 26. This one’s going to be different (wink, wink) , you want to be there! We’ll have all the deets announced soon. If you’d like to be a vendor or sponsor at the meet-up, it’s not too early to email nn@naturalnigerian.com for more info 🙂

Finally. Could you, please, pretty please make a contribution to Kamara Talks? She may not remember this, but I met Kamara’s mom at ‘The Great Kinky Hair Christmas Affair’ in 2013. She was selling smoothies (Wild & Fresh) at the event, and kind of starting out with her locs. We spoke for like all of 5 minutes but she was really nice, and she made an impression. I’ve kind of stalked followed her since then on Instagram, following her culinary adventures. Now, she needs help to get her baby girl the speech therapy she needs. Please click the link here, read Kamara’s story and I hope you are moved to make a donation, anything you can afford. Little drops of water DO make a mighty ocean. God will bless you as you do so!

P.S. If you like the blog, share it with someone! 🙂 We are on Twitter (@thekinkandixx), Instagram and Snapchat (@thekinkandi) and on Facebook too. Subscribe by email so you don’t miss a post, or keep up with us AND your other favourite blogs on Bloglovin!

Have a great week lovers!




6 thoughts on “Hey Monday!

  1. So that was the young professionals thing you mentioned. Wish I could have been there.
    I’m starting the week ready to take it on but I want a bit of your excitement. Plus you look fab


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