Product Review: Ultra Black Hair

Ultra Black Hair- Product Review

Hello loves!

If you’re on Natural Hair/ Healthy Hair instagram, you’ve probably seen some buzz about this American brand: Ultra Black Hair. Created by Cathy Howse, these American products are in the motherland now, and the campaign is fairly serious. Cathy is also an author. Her first ‘Ultra Black Hair Growth Book’ was published in 1989, so even without reading it, big props to her for being invested in the healthy hair movement since before I was born.

I was sent these products (Satin Creme Moisturiser on the left, and the Deep Conditioner on the right) by @ultrablackhairafrica to review. I was not paid for this review, but because we love you guys so much, we convinced them to sponsor a giveaway- which we ran on Instagram (@thekinkandi), and announced the winners yesterday.

This review (like all the reviews you have read and will ever read on this blog) is my honest account of my experience with these products. They have seen me through like 4 washdays and the DC is actually almost finished, so I feel ready to talk about them.

Let’s dive right into it, shall we? Continue reading

Product Review: Brazen Curls, The Entire Line!

natural hair products- midas naturals- brazen curls

Hey, hey, hey guys!

Back in 2013, I got some products from Midas Naturals. I loved the healthy butter in particular, and I reviewed it here.

As the saying goes, the only thing that is constant in life is change, and since then, the brand has been through some changes. Currently, they have a new line of products- Brazen Curls, and they sent it to me towards the end of last year to review. I have used them, and so has MeeMee, so, here I am with our unbiased views on the products.

This is not a sponsored post. Though made in the UK, Midas Naturals is owned by a Nigerian woman, so it gives us great joy that these products are quality stuff, and we definitely think you should know about them. Continue reading

Product Review: Elizabeth Cress Handmade Ankara-Silk Bonnets

Hola beautiful people!

Today’s review is a pretty quick one, very long overdue.

Elizabeth Cress is a Nigerian brand of handmade accessories, run by the lovely Funmi Kehinde.

If you were at Naturals in the City, 12, you probably met her at my table.

As we were taking a batch of the bonnets for our blogshop, she gave me one from her glitter collection to review.  Continue reading

Dripping Wet Product Review: Shea Moisture Cocoshea Biolipid Complex Gentle Curl-Cleansing Co-Wash

That’s not even the full product name.

Shea Moisture Cocoshea Biolipid Complex w/Agave Nectar & Black Seed Oil Gentle Curl-Cleansing Co-Wash.

This review is coming to you straight outta the shower, slightly dripping wet with amazement at the first time result of this co-wash from SheaMoisture’s new line.  Continue reading

Blending, Blended- More About Faking It With Nazuri Curls

Hi guys!

Eku Tuesday!


As you know, I recently took down my sew-in weave with Nazuri Curls extensions. This last time, I didn’t actually wear the weave to “switch up my look”. That’s one of the things I like about extensions, though. Currently eyeing a purple and grey wig on Shop Zlanche, but where will I wear it to? Christmas is coming, maybe I should look foreign for Christmas? JK JK. Seriously though. As soon as I can get my makeup skills to match such exotic hair, I’ll be good to go. Lagos get ready! Def can’t wear it to work, so- weekends. Anyway, back to the post.

I was saying that I didn’t put on my Nazuri Curls to look different this time. I was effectively protective styling, but in a manner pretty close to my own hair- so close that I really didn’t know what to answer when people asked “Is this your hair?” “This really can’t be your natural hair right?” It was like people were convinced it was so natural, but they didn’t want to believe because of how thick or full it looked. I always wanted to add “but my hair is pretty close to this!” after I smiled and said no. Because people gotta know that African hair can flourish and prosper.


With blogger boos Titi & Sandra 🙂

To successfully fake it with extensions, your options are as follows:

Plan A: sacrifice a West African twin chameleon (amongst other things) to TY Bello, the Chief Priestess of the blending gods. If you don’t know where to find a chameleon or TY Bello, then listen to Plan B! 😛 Continue reading