The Great Kinky Hair Christmas Affair!

Hello lovelies!

How una dey? πŸ™‚

I’m home for the holidays and this Christmas is definitely shaping up to be a grrrreat one! I am SO excited! ^_^

Yesterday, my girl Lu and I had a good time at The Great Kinky Hair Christmas Affair!

Organised by The Kinky Apothecary, the Affair was hosted by hair bloggers Geraldine the Great and Ijeoma of Klassy-Kinks, at The Social Place, 33 Sinari Daranijo Street, Victoria Island.

Geri talked to us about Staying Natural, and Toughening Your Technique for Length Retention, and soon enough, Ijeoma got into Protective Styling. Afterwards, she asked for volunteers and I stepped forward. Without the aid of a comb, she did a quick flat-twist updo that I wore to church this morning.Β I’m definitely upping my styling game in 2014, so help me God!

It’s always a pleasure to meet other curlies, and talk hair! πŸ™‚ Before and after the workshop, there was food, drinks and shopping. We got freebies with our Kinky Apothecary purchases, and Geri gave out stuff as well.

Old boy Simon was with me, and Lu helped out with the photos- so here’s my yesterday in pictures:




Girls-Girls ^__^


Wildly Refreshing. They make smoothies, froyo and soup :)

Wildly Refreshing. They make smoothies, juices, froyo and soup πŸ™‚


Us posing with Ijeoma of Klassy-Kinks

Us posing with Ijeoma of Klassy-Kinks

Republic of Foreigner

Republic of Foreigner


Kinky Apothecary

Kinky Apothecary

Zaynab :)

Zaynab πŸ™‚


Lu + Ijeoma

Lu + Ijeoma

Ijeoma's cute style. She got her hair did at KL's Naturals

Ijeoma’s cute style. She got her hair did at KL’s Naturals

the back. Mini-twists in the middle

the back. Mini-twists in the middle

LOVE her weave!

LOVE her weave!


Geraldine the Great, ready to speak

Geraldine the Great, ready to speak

Waist length for real

Waist length for real

Ijeoma working on the volunteer

Ijeoma working on the volunteer


side view

side view

the back

the back

Nibi Lawson, founder of The Kinky Apothecary

Nibi Lawson, founder of The Kinky Apothecary

Close-up: Geri

Close-up: Geri!

The End.

What did you do this weekend?

Till next post,




11 thoughts on “The Great Kinky Hair Christmas Affair!

  1. worked on my essay, still working on my essay….*wailing* MSc life….i am missing all the good stuff in Naija. Nice photos! and your skirt,I want!!!!


  2. Awwwwn, these pictures are so lovely but i still want to complain. Lol! It’s a nice curlie meet. Thanks for buying my ticket again Kenzo. β™₯


  3. I was there from 1pm till 3pm and nothing was happening. My frnd and i just got products and left cos there was nowhere to sit except outside. It was pretty annoying


  4. Pingback: The Great Kinky Christmas Hair Affair Recap | Klassy Kinks

  5. Pingback: Hey Monday! | The Kink And I

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