Leaving Is The Hardest Thing To Do…

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“…but being left is harder, yes it’s true.”

Tell me about it. I have been left y’all. Or “jilted” as Nigerian newspapers like to say.

By the ones I thought had my back. The ones I thought were my ride-or-die. It’s a cold world, no snuggie. *sniff* Continue reading

Hello 2015! We Are Back! :)

IMG_5514Hey guys!

Happy New Year!

We went away, but we are back now. Did you miss us? Because we missed you! 🙂

Christmas was really special. This our LDR is not easy, the last time we saw was Christmas/ New Year 2013/2014, so it was a real blessing to be together & run around for a few days. Not enough time, but still, very very thankful.

Another Video!

We made another video (baby steps, we will get there!) and the lighting is much better in this one. Get to know us better in it, please watch, it’s less than 6 minutes long! We hope you enjoy it. 😀

What Do You Want To See?

As we go into the New Year, we want to know what you guys would like to see. In the past, we had occasional book reviews and Restaurant reviews. You can see the last Restaurant review from October 2013, The Quarter Cafe. We are considering having them as a more regular feature. Beyond these ones (that is, book reviews, eating out reviews) we’d really appreciate it if you let us know what you want to see more of. Thank you. 🙂

Hair in 2015: The Plan Is That There Is No Plan

In our last post, we said we’d talk about 2015 in 2015. Now we are in 2015 and unlike last year, there is no elaborate plan. We are both wondering what our ‘fros are up to, we both feel they aren’t growing. Like after all this good good loving, is this how they repay us? Lol JK.

So for us, the plan for 2015 (as far as hair goals go) is that there is no plan. It remains our priority of course to keep our hair healthy, and we’ll definitely stay woke, and observe any changes but we’ve got no length goals, no nothing goals. No strategy, no plan. As the days come, we’ll be sharing what we are doing, any things we want to stick to, and such. But no pressure this 2015. We are just going to continue being good to the ‘fros and see how they respond.

Alright guys, what are YOUR hair goals this year? And what would you like to see on the blog? We want to know!



State of the Kinkdom: My Fro at 2!


Friday 30 May, 2014 was the second anniversary of my big chop! 🙂

*whistles* *trumpets* *balloons* *confetti*

On my hairversary last year, I set the following goals for myself:

  1. Soft, way better moisturised hair without over-reliance on product
  2. Growth/length retention
  3. Cure myself of hand in hair syndrome

I’ve mastered #1. I’ve seen growth and retained some since then but I feel like I could have done better with #2. Now, about #3; because my kinks are awesome and still so brand new to me, I still put my hands in my hair, but definitely 70% less as much as I used to! So, allow me to give myself an A! ^_^

Before my first hairversary, I never styled my coils, and since then, I’ve put in some reasonable effort to change this. This is extra credit yo, so A+

LOL. How I love my hair! I’ve been annoyed, I’ve felt frustrated, but this second year of my journey has definitely been more fun than the first! With love and patience, we are making progress ❤ I’ve learnt A LOT about my hair in the past one year, and I’m still SO amazed at the versatility of it. How it can be big one moment and small the next. I’m coding and decoding. Shrinkage is an old friend of mine, but I’m still getting used to frizz.


For the D-day, I planned to wear a braid out. Two days before, I braided dry stretched hair with a little leave-in (Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream). I loosened the braids carefully for a braid out on Friday morning, and I got some decent definition, what do you think?


But, I’d forgotten that I have a bit of shine problem with this leave-in. Hair wasn’t shining like I wanted it to.And I didn’t really appreciate my braid out right then because my mind was still attached to the unrealistic expectations of a braid-out on someone with curly hair 😦

It was only when I was done frizzing my hair in the name of trying to get a puff like Simply Cyn’s here, that I knew what I’d just lost. I had a small awkward puff because my hair wasn’t stretched like that from the braid out. I felt a little disappointed, but with more humidity and frizz, the puff flourished!


It all worked out 🙂 I’ve got plenty of time to master the perfect braid out.


So many things I want to do now. I want to straighten, I want to trim, I want to colour, lol clearly I’m about to wild out! But I’m putting everything off till at least the end of the year.

Hair is healthy, happy, and for the most part, split-end free but I have one problem. My edges. My edges haven’t fully recovered from the Kinky Twists I wore in April. In fact, my front hair.

My edges are weak and a little scanty, and the hair in the front right after the edges isn’t as long as the rest. Short term goal is to grow my edges fully, and because different parts grow at different rates, I don’t know if my front hair should be a short or medium term goal.

I think my nape is doing fine, but because it’s a delicate area that could easily be stunted, I’ll be paying special attention to that as well.

Still keeping with my 2014 plan, I’m going to focus on healthy hair care, minimise my combing and try to manipulate my hair less. Sticking to low-manipulation is a little difficult because I get bored easily. I think working with stretched hair is going to be better for me, I will explain in later posts. 🙂


By my next hairversary, I want to see:

  1. Healthy thick soft hair
  2. Armpit length + more length at the nape.
  3. Full, healthy edges
  4. Healthy ends.

Thank YOU so much for your kind encouragement, helpful tips and for visiting the blog! I wish I could give you all some cake and ice cream, but you’re not here. 😦

Cheers to healthier, happier, longer hair!



